Corey Hutchison
Senior Graphic Designer

Senior graphic designer Corey Hutchison has more than 10 years of design experience, expanding across multiple mediums including print, digital and web. With primary focus in UI and UX design and development, he’s also skilled at photography, marketing strategy, project management and email marketing. Corey has worked in industries including: newspaper, wide format-printing, trade shows, electronic, sports fitness and nutrition, MMA, headphones, sound technology and web design.
And when you picture the proverbial offspring of Michelangelo and Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Corey could fill the bill. Corey is intersection of artistic acuity, brute strength and a touch of charisma.
Corey believes the fact that he’s an only child compels him to be independent and to stand out from the crowd, so we Rebels try not spoil him with extra attention.
But back to Dwayne Johnson: Corey trains in mixed martial arts (MMA) and has fought in four professional fights. He insists, however, that he’s just a “giant teddy bear.” On second thought, maybe a little extra attention couldn’t hurt…