Data Science

Grow profits & performance with intelligence. The often overused word “data” is nothing more than information that exists and can be understood. Your company interacts with so much information on a daily basis that it can be overlooked without knowing how to use it to your advantage. 

buzzword free analytics

We put meaning behind the phrase, “data-driven decision making” by using data science and traditional data analytic reporting to make your business more profitable, efficient, and ahead of your competitors. Our team of data scientists brilliantly extract knowledge from both market data and your internal data to provide actionable insights that inform your business decisions. 

We start by asking clients what they want to know about their business and what data they are collecting.

Many clients are amazed by what a list of addresses can tell them. Companies come to us with raw data, messy data, poorly organized data, or no data at all. The first step is to pull together all the information we can find, clean it up, organize it, and get it ready to work. We’ve got the tools and expertise to make this process quick and efficient.

There’s a lot you can do with data, but you have to know what’s possible.

Maybe you’re considering a new service line or product offering for your company to beat out your competition. In this scenario, our team compiles research about what currently exists in the market, what demographic groups are most suitable to target, what the seasonality opportunities are, and what have been the most popular features. Using this information, you can develop a strategic go-to-market plan, growing your enterprise significantly. And that’s just one example.

We live in a world where data is the most valuable commodity (even more so than oil), but what does that mean for you?

Our data science team can perform the following and more to help you reach your goals:

  • Customer Behaviour Analysis 
  • Profitability Forecasting 
  • Market Share Saturation & Trend Analysis
  • New Market Location Opportunities 
  • Profit Net Loss Analysis
  • Social Media Population Sentiment Analysis
  • Advertising Effectiveness 
  • Target Market Identification 
  • Customer Retention Modeling & Lifetime Value Modeling
  • Content Marketing Opportunities

Data sets we work with can include:

  • Demographic Data
  • Sales Data
  • Advertising Platform Data
  • Housing and Employment Data
  • Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
  • Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Data 
  • Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics

Finding problems and opportunities means looking for patterns.

The good news is that people are natural pattern detectors—we even see them where they don’t exist—but applying that skill to a big, complicated data-set requires some deep thinking, rigorous analysis, and strong methodological knowledge. And that’s the skill set we bring to the table.

By combining the speed and strength of machine learning with the science of statistics we can find real patterns in our client’s data. Patterns that you can immediately and confidently apply to your business. 

There’s a reason data is such a valuable commodity: it points you to solutions, opportunities, and ultimately, success. Ready to put the power of data service to work for your business? Contact us today.

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