Katy McGrath
VP, Client Services

As VP of client services, Katy McGrath leads the account team, creates and implements processes, drives employee growth and training opportunities, identifies client growth opportunities and leads and manages accounts. Her experience includes strategic planning and insights for CPG companies, and she was a supply manager in the market research industry, where she created capacity and performance reports, analyzed data and made recommendations for more efficient platforms. She also evaluated proposals to determine project feasibility and profitability.
As such, we count on her to work directly with clients to catapult them to success. That might seem like a daunting task for some, but not for Katy.
You know how when a meeting’s almost over, there’s always one person who asks just one last question? That’s Katy. She’s dogged and fearless in her inquisitiveness. In her words, she does not like not knowing all the answers.
Equally intriguing: Katy is persnickety about eating eggs, and she takes any egg protocol breach seriously. “I have a system for eating them. I get REALLY upset if the yolks get broken before I eat the whites, or if other food on the plate mixes with the egg and I can’t completely sop it up with toast in the right order.”
Need we say more?