Miles Pretlove
Supervisor, Advertising & Search

Supervisor, Advertising & Search Miles Pretlove has more than four years of experience in business development and digital media. He’s worked to plan, execute, and optimize campaigns with clients, including Samsung Pay, Panasonic, Seiko Watches, Trunk Club, and Ariat. At Rebel, he’s a driving force behind client digital strategy.
Miles is not only a Rebel, he’s also a rebel. “I unapologetically do what I like, which means thinking about media in an outside-the-box manner; I look at the status quo and say ‘that’s not good enough.’”
A self-proclaimed history nerd, Miles is just as likely to be seen snowboarding or hiking on a Saturday as he is planted on his couch binging on history documentaries.
In his other free time, Miles coaches youth lacrosse and plays guitar and drums. But not all at the same time (we think).