With an average of over 3.5 billion searches per day and some 40,000 search queries every second, if you sell it, someone is already googling it. It’s not enough to pay to stand out from the crowd on page one of Google: it’s about making your dollars go the furthest and reaching the right people for the lowest cost.


Let’s start with the best foot forward, shall we? When we start an account, the first place we look to ensure success in the future stems from the data and insights that you’ve already collected in the past. We never want to go without an understanding of past efforts – we learn just as much from what failed before as what has already succeeded.

If you’re already running paid search campaigns today, simply provide us with view-only access to your Analytics account and let us poke around a little to find those areas of improvement…or outright holes in your current strategies. 


The heart and soul of what we do – the granular understanding of audience search nuances, the experience to know what has the best chance to succeed, and the skill to tie it all back together with your goals.


Starting (as always) in data, our paid search media planning process begins with mapping the competitive landscape that exists around you. We excel at finding those smaller niches to help you enter into a market – regardless of the size – or can provide the roadmap for complete SERPs (search engine results page) dominance.


Once we know what our competition is trying, we explore what our ideal audiences are looking for – from what keywords and phrases they’re physically entering to the meaning (customer intent) behind those searches. Are they looking for more information? To buy now? To sign up today? Each captured search term allows us greater insight into the customer’s needs and better helps us tailor our campaigns to best align with their expectations.

At Rebel, we drill into keywords with a passion – tailoring ads back to search queries and reporting back on what people are searching for, how many of them are looking, and even what the cost of appearing for the most valuable search terms is.

Seasonality & Market Trends

Beyond your first-party data and learnings, Rebel applies macro and micro-level trends and analyses to each specific business to help make sense of and plan for the landscape. Here, the goal is simple: be in the market when the audience is hungry for what you have to offer. By running keywords at geo-specific granularity, we’re able to map out the highs and lows of products and services, ensuring that your dollars go the furthest when they matter the most.


At Rebel, our philosophy is simple. Your data is yours. Period. When combined with the wealth of granular information provided by Paid Search, that means insight into every impression, click, CPC, demographic data, search reports and so much more. Take it a step further and we track what actions these users took not just on the ads – but also on your website and track it back to sales.

We work with you to create customized dashboards to showcase this information in easily-digestible ways for you or whomever you need to show the data to.

Optimizations & Testing

To us, data represents a story that is never fully finished. It’s an opportunity to continue expanding and to beat the previous best with something even better – proven out by the numbers returned. That’s why we never stop testing and optimizing.

Once a plan is presented and approved, we immediately go to work trying to prove that it wasn’t the best. We test our original plan against new search terms, new audience demographics, new locations – any of hundreds of possible combinations in the pursuit of finding something better.

The real beauty of Paid Search is that it’s a living, breathing ecosystem – and like any ecosystem it requires constant attention to ensure that you’re never outcompeted.

At Rebel, that means assigning a specialist who lives and breathes paid search to your account, tasked with drilling into the numbers on a weekly basis to figure out what’s working and what can be improved upon. 

Ready to meet your team? Give us a call.

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