Andrew Hummel
Specialist, Organic Search

Andrew Hummel is a multi-talented marketing specialist working across the content marketing, advertising, search and analytics teams. He has more than two years of experience in marketing and digital marketing roles, including time spent at coworking space, Upward Hartford, as well as at S&S Worldwide.
Sure, he’s a marketing guy, but he’s also into sports 25/8, and he’s not afraid to admit the following: “I kick my golf ball to get a better lie in the grass.” (A Rebel, are we right?) He also boasts of being in a softball league and trying to only hit home runs. Hopefully, this endeavor involves no kicking.
Andrew also has a fellow sports fan and golfing partner at Rebel: his brother [Zack.] They’re an impressive lookalike duo that we all enjoy having on the team, sports and otherwise.